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Great Reads for Good Food

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Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Your Health Go Well Beyond the Actual Virus

While most people are hyper-focused on the effects that COVID-19 may take on the body, the stress of the ongoing global pandemic is also delivering a host of other health issues. The constant level ...

Experts Predict THIS State Will Be the Next COVID-19 Epicenter!

After spending weeks in lockdown, you're probably ready to get out of the house and go have fun. Unfortunately, it might be a bad idea to go out now. Experts report some troubling new trends. Record COVID Cas...

Artful Ways to Survive the Emotional Downturn of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic forced all of us to attend to new information and learn new things. One key to thriving after the COVID-19 pandemic is learning new skills, processing new information, and being prou...

Thinking of Going to a Bar This Weekend? You Might Want to Think Again

There has been a lot of news lately about the role of bars in the spread of COVID-19. But how dangerous are these places? Are they really a significant contributor to the spread of the deadly virus? Read...

How Scientists and Physicians Are Working to Beat COVID-19 Virus

While the COVID-19 global pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, the good news is that the death rate is beginning to decline. This is due in large part to the medical community finding better wa...

5 Healthy Ways to Deal With Uncertainty Caused By COVID-19

For most Americans, the months that have passed since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) have not been easy. The WHO proclaimed COVID-19 to be a pandemic on March 13. In the seven...

Lessons on Mental Health From the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Though the Tokyo 2020 Olympics were postponed to 2021, the intensity and scope of the event hasn't changed. What has changed is how the athletes and coaches are handling the stress of the event. The combination of the ong...

These Hot Wellness Trends Are Popping Up at Workplaces Around the Country

Not too long ago, "wellness" was only used in fringe circles to describe activities in which one actively pursues a better state of being, whether it's physically, mentally, or both. Very rapidly, this...

Mysterious Coronavirus Syndrome in Children Has Doctors Concerned

One of the most troubling developments of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the increasing amounts of reports detailing how this virus is seriously affecting children. Up until a few weeks ago, health experts ...